Board of Education rules DODE to assume control of Nazlini school
The Navajo Nation Board of Education ruled Nazlini Community School, Inc. will turn control of its operations over to the Navajo Nation Department of Diné Education following a due process hearing on January 6.
Department of Diné Education introduces new Assistant Superintendent
The Department of Diné Education recently introduced newly appointed Assistant Superintendent Dr. Maria Carmen-Moffett.
Navajo Nation Council approves appointment of Superintendent of Schools
The 24th Navajo Nation Council approved legislation appointing Dr. Harold G. Begay as the Superintendent of Schools for DODE during a January 7 Special Session.
Navajo Education Center closed indefinitely
The Navajo Education Center in Window Rock has been closed indefinitely due to safety hazards. Staff will relocate to different offices to continue duties.
Navajo Nation receives ARPA grant for resilience in education
The Navajo Nation is set to receive $1.3 million over three years after being awarded a grant through the American Rescue Plan Act.
Superintendent participates in MSNBC Roundtable
Acting Superintendent Patricia Gonnie was invited to participate in an MSNBC Roundtable discussion on the impact of COVID-19 on the Navajo Nation and the importance of Native education. For more information, click here.
NMPED Secretary meets with Superintendent, Board members, PM's
The New Mexico Public Education Secretary Designate visited the Navajo Education Cener on Oct. 18. DODE staff spoke with the Secretary about challenges facing education on the Navajo Nation.
DODE names new project manager for Johnson O'Malley
After operating with an interim program manager for most of 2021, the Johnson O’Malley Program named their new full-time program manager.
DODE, NDOH collaborating to monitor COVID situation in schools
The Department of Dine Education continues to collaborate with the Navajo Department of Health to monitor potential COVID-19 cases and exposures in schools on the Navajo Nation.
OPVP urges schools to submit reopening plans
The Navajo Nation Office of the President and Vice President urged all schools operating on the Navajo Nation to submit their reopening plans to DODE as part of the process for a safe reopening for in-person instruction.
Project I-LAUNCH holding discussion on fatherhood, traditional teachings
Project I-LAUNCH have announced the next installment in the ongoing Early Childhood Speaker series. This month's topic is the importance of fatherhood and traditional teachings.
Board reauthorizing grant schools ahead of new year
The Navajo Nation Board of Education has reauthorized numerous grant schools to continue operating independently, with 10 other schools pending reauthorization. For more information including a list of schools, click here.
Navajo Nation President signs resolution to reopen schools
Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez signed Resolution CJN-36-21 into law July 6, which rescinds COVID-19 restrictions including limited schools to online-only environments.
Navajo Nation Library hires new Program Supervisor
The Navajo Nation Department of Dine Education announced a new hire for Program Supervisor for the Office of the Navajo Nation Library on June 29.
DODE, Dine College holding live parent/guardian forum
The Navajo Nation Department of Dine Education is partnering with Dine College to host a live parent/guardian forum on June 17, 2021 to discuss K-12 education across the Navajo Nation amid COVID-19. For contact info and where to listen, click here.
Board of Education releases first list of reauthorized schools
The Navajo Nation Board of Education discussed the reauthorization of eight grant schools during a special meeting on June 8, 2021.
Guidelines announced for schools holding limited in-person graduation and promotion ceremonies
The Navajo Department of Health released a series of guidelines that all schools are expected to understand and implement if they are holding limited in-person gatherings for graduations and promotions.
Department of Dine Education recognizes Teacher Appreciation Week
DODE is encouraging students, parents, and communities to recognize the work their teachers have done to provide a quality education during the pandemic.
Project I-LAUNCH celebrates National Week of the Young Child
DODE, OSERS, Navajo Project I-LAUNCH, and Growing in Beauty have announced a week of virtual events from April 12
- 16 to celebrate Diné children, families, teachers, and communities. For more information, including event times and links to register, click here.
Professional Development #4 Meeting Agenda
The Office of Standards, Curriculum &Assessment Development announced the next Professional Development meeting for April 14, 2021.
Board of Education makes recommendation for new Superintendent of Schools
The Navajo Nation Board of Education recommended Harold G. Begay, Ph.D., to fill the vacant Superintendent of Schools position.
Navajo Nation School Reopening Plan
The Department of Diné Education presented the Navajo Nation School Reopening Plan to the Navajo Nation 24th Council on March 17, 2021.
Finalized Navajo Nation School Reopening Plan
The Department of Diné Education finalized the Navajo Nation School Reopening Plan on March 23, 2021.
Navajo Nation School Reopening Assessment
For a Navajo Nation school to reopen, it must pass the assessment prepared by the Department of Diné Education.
Navajo Nation School Safety Guidelines
The content of this guide serves as the safety "must haves" that all schools on the Navajo Nation must incorporate into their reopening safety plans related specifically to COVID-19.
School Reopening Plan Q&A
The Navajo Nation School Reopening Plan provides a template for schools on the reservation to safely reopen. For a list of frequently asked questions and answers, click here.
Navajo Nation Seal of Bilingual Proficiency Assessment
The Department of Diné Education is offering the assessment for no fees to high schools proficient in the Navajo language.
Emergency Broadband Benefits Program
Cody M. Begaye, PIO DODE The new program to be run by the Federal Communications Commission will allow for affordable broadband connections and technologies for the Navajo Nation.
DODE pushing for fiber-optic broadband system
Cody M. Begaye, PIO DODE New Mexico state and tribal leaders agree that a stable high-speed broadband internet system is essential for closing the homework gap and helping student keep up in school.
Consolidated Appropriations Act
Cody M. Begaye, PIO DODE Legislation signed by President Trump provides key provisions for BIA and BIE Schools across Indian Country.
DODE Updated Hours of Operation
Cody M. Begaye, PIO DODE NNDODE updates hours of operation after Office of President and Vice President extends Public health Order
Navajo Nation Department of Dine Education host Early Childhood Speaker Series on KTNN
Cody M. Begay, NNDODE PIO If you have questions, contact Kim Kee, Program Coordinator/Navajo I-LAUNCH at kimkee@nndode.org
New Hours of Operation, Department of Dine Education
Cody M. Begay Navajo Nation Department of Dine Education announces updated hours of operation during Office of the President/Vice President Public Health Order.